Week One Feedback School Closures Home Learning

Updates collated in blog https://islington-gov.j2bloggy.com/Islington-Computing-Online-Safety/home-learning 

#HomeLearningUK  https://homelearninguk.weebly.com has excellent updates

  • Home access is key issue, some schools reporting 50% without keyboard devices, mobile only (inc pay as you go), many homes no working printers, one keyboard shared amongst working family
    * Schools are offering school kit to families + councils strategy for targeted families.
    Typical homes  – 1. laptop + mobile enabled 2. mobile enabled 3. offline
    *Remember homes with smart TV access youtube
  • Need to plan differentiated home learning + spot/support families who do not log-in set platforms
    –  Uploading PDFs to a school website should be extended
  • Cloud Learning – Gsuite/Office 365 – best via keyboard device, SeeSaw and ClassDojo works well on mobilesuccessful feedback this week large number primary schools – easy set-up, high-impact.  Gsuite/Office 365 mostly Yr5/6 depending on cohort and if already set-up.
    *National advisory groups are stating not to attempt Gsuite/365 set-up from scratch for home learning now without careful consideration, (separate to staff use for communication and work-flow)
    Thanks to Ambler Primary for these considerations for Google
    *We supported several online safety/GDPR incidents/breaches last week, support and advice below.
  • Curated YouTube/BBC Content very successful – thank you Newington Green on twitter for idea!
    https://wakelet.com/wake/fc89440e-cbec-49a6-ac01-0f299c3a8dca Go Coach Joe!
    * Top Tip – audible is currently free for home learning!
  • Direct families to selected subscription and online resources but keep simple
    – e,g LGFL Busythings, DoodleMaths (new Spring challenge) 2Simple, Whiterose Maths
    The Islington blog has comprehensive lists of edtech available.
  • Home Learning Packs proving very successful – four examples linked in above blog inc offline packs
    *Islington School Improvement have customised Robin Hood Learning Projects with LGFL and other localised online content and these will be available via CS online in near future.
  • Schools targeting support to families – phone calls, sending offline home learning packs in the post and offering refresh of books and equipment – thank you Ashmount!
  • Family routine + quick wins – Visuals and Posters being shared widely on Parent WhatsApp groups
  • School and family newsletters are proving popular, including Islington Bright Start – Pls share!
    Subscribe here for a regular bulletin designed to support you and your child while many early years schools and settings are closed and is in addition to the fortnightly Bright Start Bright Ideas newsletter. It will be share quick tips, ideas, activities and practical advice to support parents and careres while children are at home http://bit.ly/BSBIsubscribe
  • ​Several schools have requested support re weekly video conferencing to support health and well-being of the class (v daily lessons typical Secondary schools).  We are working with Safer Internet Centre – advice here and further info to follow next week. https://swgfl.org.uk/resources/safe-remote-learning/
    And Andrew Hall https://support.safeguardinginschools.co.uk/article/37-remote-teaching-and-learning-during-the-coronavirus-outbreak 

Next Steps for Training and Support for Home Learning and Digital Solutions 

 Safeguarding and Online Safety

Support for OS is ongoing, we supported several OS/GDPR incidents/breaches last week, there are obvious key considerations and urgent policy reminders needed around Online Safety if schools are using online platforms, as well as the inevitable overuse of social media and gaming platforms at home Office 365 support is available for all LGfL Schools.

There have been some excellent updates from LGFL, Childnet, Safer Internet Centre and Common Sense Media summarised here https://wakelet.com/wake/7199ed62-0c1e-4465-ab79-f79957132234   

And latest DFE advice here. (Inc LGFL + SIC)

Training, Webinars and Support from Lead Schools, Teachers and LGFL 
Lead schools are available to support across our network and Dan Ferry has been training and advising specific requests as Apple and Google accredited teacher on SeeSaw, Google and all online and remote learning.  We also have Google, SeeSaw and MS 365 Lead schools/teachers and are working with LGFL and technical support companies.
(Remember national advice is do not attempt Gsuite/365 set-up from scratch now without careful consideration and discuss solutions with your school’s technical support company.)

LGFL have made available for all Lgfl schools – webinars and training via champion schools and partners:

GSuite Webinars this coming week:

ttps://sites.google.com/leoacademytrust.co.uk/leocpd/gsuiteand and


The Google for Education distance learning hub contains resources and links to everything that is available for schools in G Suite and Chromebooks.
The teach from home site is a central site is for schools, teachers and parents and offers advice of best practices for teaching at home, such as links out to training on each tool.

Please reach out to Kirri Gooch, Google for Education if you have any questions.

Office 365 support is available for all LGfL Schools

Online Training is available at https://education.microsoft.com
Teaching & Learning, Best Practice and Guidance support: jose.kingsley@lgfl.net

Technical support, set up and guidance: https://support.lgfl.org.uk