Week Five School closures – #VEDay75, Childnet Film Comp + Updated Home Learning

All Newsletter Updates https://islington-gov.j2bloggy.com/Islington-Computing-Online-Safety/home-learning/

Curriculum – CPD + Continued Support from Islington, LGFL and CAS

*Today – 4 May 3:30-430 several lead teachers are attending  https://community.computingatschool.org.uk/events/7881
*Impressive range of training and support from the LGFL team – inc Computing, Online Safety, Prevent, Health and well-being https://www.lgfl.net/training/ 

*Guardian NewsWise – Webinars for schools & families – first one Thursday 7 May 3:30pm https://www.theguardian.com/newswise/2020/apr/29/news-literacy-webinars

Safeguarding and Online Safety during Lock-down
Drip feed Online Safety Reminders to families   Ideally throughout the week via Online Classrooms such as ClassDojo, SeeSaw Google Classroom

Updated resources LGFL, Childnet, CEOP, Safer Internet Centre and Common Sense Media https://wakelet.com/wake/7199ed62-0c1e-4465-ab79-f79957132234

The NSPCC Online Safety Helpline for Families during Lockdown – detailed here  https://www.nspcc.org.uk/keeping-children-safe/online-safety/talking-child-online-safety/
And latest DFE safeguarding advice for schools here. (Inc. LGFL + SIC) and for Families here + https://www.saferinternet.org.uk/advice-centre/safe-remote-learning-hub

And the annual Childnet Film Competition could be a perfect activity and challenge for Home learning (make a film via parent mobile)


Latest Online and Offline Home Learning Resources, Ideas to connect, communicate, motivate and celebrate, track engagement and targeting support to families.

Feedback from schools – success where setting achievable, motivational and open-ended activity, avoid  pressure on families and supporting routine and providing regular feedback
Daily videos SLT and teachers – Example Assemblies Canonbury + Hanover Plus weekly collages and celebrations children’s work via class teachers/subject leads Whitehall Park 

Primary Schools have considered live video conferencing for teaching lessons and leaders are unanimous that instead videos will be uploaded.  There will be schools who do choose to use VC but this must be done with careful consideration, as there are obviously key safeguarding concerns, as well as practicalities of teaching classes of primary age children, if not already established.    https://www.safeguardinginschools.co.uk/live-meetings-with-zoom/ Andrew Hall https://swgfl.org.uk/resources/safe-remote-learning/ https://coronavirus.lgfl.net/

Resource Updates, Training, Webinars and Support LGFL
Parent Support direct with Bradley Dardis – offering phone and other support https://twitter.com/BradleyDardis/status/1245258066196680704
Training and support from the Curriculum team https://www.lgfl.net/training/SEND https://coronavirus.lgfl.net/Inclusion

J2E have released j2Homework and some guides: https://just2easy.com/media/J2homework.mp4 & https://just2easy.com/distancelearning/index.html

New https://edtech-demonstrator.lgfl.net/

GSuite Webinars Next coming week:

ttps://sites.google.com/leoacademytrust.co.uk/leocpd/gsuite and https://edu.google.com/teacher-center

Please reach out to Kirri Gooch, Google for Education if you have any questions.

Office 365 support is available for all LGfL Schools
Online Training is available at https://education.microsoft.com

Teaching & Learning, Best Practice and Guidance support: jose.kingsley@lgfl.net
Technical support, set up and guidance: https://support.lgfl.org.uk