Week 7 #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek, Home Learning Online from 1 June, Gaming Update for Families

All Newsletter Updates collated https://islington-gov.j2bloggy.com/Islington-Computing-Online-Safety/home-learning/ (Week Seven)

#MentalHealthAwarenessWeek 2020 and this year it’s all about #Kindness BBC Bitesize have a 7 Day challenge for families + nice summary for schools https://www.place2be.org.uk/kindness

Considerations for  Home Learning Online from June 1 for Year Groups Returning to School and Children Who Stay at Home 

Many schools have developed substantive home learning provision online and as plans are made for 1 June for, schools consider online classrooms and providing home learning for children who don’t return.  Depending on Back to School recovery curriculum and reimplementation of the National Curriculum and whether curriculum in school is suitable for remote access, as well as capacity of staffing etc, feedback inc:

  1. Children at home access the same curriculum content as their peers in school via online classrooms (video content and personalised support and comments is managed by staff also at home)
  2. Children at home access the same curriculum content as their peers in school via online classrooms, however the school will not have capacity to comment or mark work
  3. Children at home are provided with home learning ideas emailed or physical packs (learning projects or curriculum plans) different content to their peers in school
  4. Children at home are provided no home learning if their year group are able to return to school

**As recovery curriculum’s are designed by individual schools please consider online safety issues and dynamics of friendship groups – some maintained online via gaming platforms, however many platforms are 13+, 16 and 18+ and for parents who are stricter with age ratings, certain children will feel more isolated than others.**

New guidance from DFE https://www.gov.uk/guidance/remote-education-practice-for-schools-during-coronavirus-covid-19 (inc WellBeing)

LGFL Bereavement Resource  https://www.lgfl.net/learning-resources/summary-page/childhood-bereavement

DFE offer for free cloud support, (consult with your technical support provider too)

And from Stephen Heppell http://heppell.net/going_back  

Gaming and Coding Updates inc Workshops for Families, Online Safety Reminders and Childnet Fim Project in June 

Can You Save the World New (free) video game getting attention, Covid-19 based, Social distancing and collect masks + The game from Nintendo causing a stir – Animal Crossing New Horizons!
And catch-up on last week’s radio highlights  – inc research that Gaming improves Working Memory!

Computing and Gaming Workshops for Families This Week 

https://code.org/break And https://www.digitalschoolhouse.org.uk/live-workshops And https://www.raspberrypi.org/at-home And https://www.stem.org.uk/home-learning/primary ​
New Interactive Games from Barefoot, https://www.barefootcomputing.org/homelearning 2Simple https://2simple.com/blog/games-design-competition-2020/ and a new online STEM magazine for 7+ 

Please continue to Drip feed Online Safety reminders and challenges to families  via an Online Assembly, Online Classrooms such as ClassDojo, SeeSaw Google Classroom or a simple text to Parents.
Updated lockdown resources LGFL, CEOP, Safer Internet Centre and Common Sense Media summarised here & NSPCC Online Safety Helpline for Families during Lockdown

The annual Childnet Film Competition is a perfect challenge for Home learning (via parent mobile).  The deadline is 22 June, we are working with Childnet on a learning project for after half term. 

CPD This Week via Webinars from LGFL, CAS and Islington leaders Chat and why are Zooms so Tiring!

  • LGFL Online Training – inc Computing, Online Safety, Prevent, Health and well-being https://www.lgfl.net/training/ inc Islington’s Laura Eden on QA this Friday 22 May 
  • Computing at Schools communities https://community.computingatschool.org.uk/events – workshops this week on Scratch, Barefoot, Seesaw, ClassDojo
  • Islington Computing Leaders Chat online this Friday 22 May 2-3pm – Latest resources, updates from schools and chance to keep in touch (contact Katy for info)

Plus, please get in touch for Continued Support from Islington Lead teachers inc staff training for individual schools on Remote Learning, Computing and Online safety, plus 1-1 sessions mapping Computing and Online Safety curriculum Prep for OFSTED Deep Dives and https://www.computingatschool.org.uk/news_items/882 (lockdown has pushed Online learning higher up the educational agenda)
** https://www.bbc.com/worklife/article/20200421-why-zoom-video-chats-are-so-exhausting **

Latest Home Learning Resources, Ideas to connect, communicate, motiv​ate and celebrate, track engagement and targeting support to families.

Feedback from schools – success where setting achievable, motivational and open-ended activity, avoid  pressure on families and supporting routine and providing regular feedback

Primary Schools have considered live video conferencing for teaching lessons and leaders are unanimous that instead videos will be uploaded.  There will be schools who do choose to use VC but this must be done with careful consideration, as there are obviously key safeguarding concerns, as well as practicalities of teaching classes of primary age children, if not already established.  https://www.safeguardinginschools.co.uk/live-meetings-with-zoom/ Andrew Hall https://swgfl.org.uk/resources/safe-remote-learning/ https://coronavirus.lgfl.net/

Resource Updates, Training, Webinars and Support LGFL
Parent Support direct with Bradley Dardis – offering phone and other support https://twitter.com/BradleyDardis/status/1245258066196680704
Training and support from the Curriculum team https://www.lgfl.net/training/SEND https://coronavirus.lgfl.net/Inclusion

J2E have released j2Homework and some guides: https://just2easy.com/media/J2homework.mp4 & https://just2easy.com/distancelearning/index.html

New https://edtech-demonstrator.lgfl.net/

GSuite Webinars Next coming week:

ttps://sites.google.com/leoacademytrust.co.uk/leocpd/gsuite and https://edu.google.com/teacher-center

Please reach out to Kirri Gooch, Google for Education if you have any questions.

Office 365 support is available for all LGfL Schools

Online Training is available at https://education.microsoft.com


Teaching & Learning, Best Practice and Guidance support: jose.kingsley@lgfl.net

Technical support, set up and guidance: https://support.lgfl.org.uk