** Device Offer (LGFL) Home Access, CAS Progression, #GreatSciShare, June TeachMeet, Online Safety & Sport at Home

 Key Resource + CPD Updates This Week

– LGFL launch Significant Device offer to support Home Access 2 million devices for schools so we can achieve very low prices”!
*Offer on Dongles for Internet Access to follow, John Jackson CEO LGFL confirmed early this week.
– Tuesday 16 June Great Science Share to inspire children and families to share scientific questions with new audiences #GreatSciShare #ScienceFromHome
– Computing Leaders Chat this Wednesday 17 June 330-430 *** Contact Katy for the Meeting link * Mark Boylan, CAS leader with Jane Waite share progression template for Computing to support Assessment and Portfolio development, Plus Updates LGFL
– London Maths Week 22 June  TeacherMeet Registration now released, hosted by Maths lead at St Jospeh’s Sarah Slattery
Annual Childnet Film Competition closes this Friday 22 June!

Latest Home Learning Resources, Ideas to connect, communicate, motiv​ate and celebrate, track engagement and targeting support to families.

Feedback from schools – success where setting achievable, motivational, open-ended activity supporting routine, exercise, balanced screen-time and providing regular feedback to celebrate learning shared.(Via class dojo, seesaw, J2E, google classroom etc) Below are the latest resources, inc fun challenges around vital daily activity such as reading and exercise, to help counter excessive screen time:

Online Safety Project Ideas via Updated lockdown resources LGFL, CEOP, Safer Internet Centre and Common Sense Media summarised here Highlights include:

*Katy speaks to The Safer Internet Centre Helpline regularly and since lockdown there have been very few Online Safety Referrals from Schools, when concern is risk and incidents will have spiked for
children online during lockdown.  Please keep sharing weekly challenges and updates for families at home and school!

– New resource from New Zealand https://www.keepitrealonline.govt.nz/
– New Project from Newswise and Literacy Trust on Happy News! https://literacytrust.org.uk/resources/happy-news-project
* Impact of lockdown on children/YP inc social media https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-53022369 & survey 7000 children via GirlGuides
– Helplines for Schools & Families https://www.saferinternet.org.uk/our-helplines & Families https://www.nspcc.org.uk/keeping-children-safe/online-safety/

Computing and Gaming Workshops for Families This Week 
New resources from code.org  “How Computers Work” on Youtube & from Common Sense Media https://www.commonsense.org/education/top-picks/tech-tools-for-learning-at-home
Workshops Families This Week https://code.org/break Anhttps://www.digitalschoolhouse.org.uk/live-workshops  And https://www.raspberrypi.org/at home And https://www.stem.org.uk/home-learning/primary ​And https://www.barclays.co.uk/digital-confidence/eagles and a new STEM magazine for 7+  and https://idea.org.uk/
CPD This Week via Webinars from LGFL inc SEND, CAS and DFE Cloud Offer 

Continued Support from Islington Lead teachers – Remote Learning, Computing and Online safety, 1-1 sessions inc OFSTED Deep Dives and here (lockdown pushed Online Learning up the educ agenda) 
* New offer for Year 6 and classes returning to school on Online Safety which we can deliver remotely
* Assessment tool from Simon Haughton https://sites.google.com/view/simonhaughton/knowledge-organisers

Primary Schools have considered live video conferencing for teaching lessons and leaders are unanimous that instead videos will be uploaded.  There will be schools who do choose to use VC but this must be done with careful consideration, as there are obviously key safeguarding concerns, as well as practicalities of teaching classes of primary age children, if not already established.  https://www.safeguardinginschools.co.uk/live-meetings-with-zoom/ Andrew Hall https://swgfl.org.uk/resources/safe-remote-learning/ https://coronavirus.lgfl.net/

Parent Support direct with Bradley Dardis – offering phone and other support https://twitter.com/BradleyDardis/status/1245258066196680704

J2E have released j2Homework and some guides: https://just2easy.com/media/J2homework.mp4 & https://just2easy.com/distancelearning/index.html

Office 365 support is also available for all LGfL Schools https://education.microsoft.com

Teaching & Learning, Best Practice and Guidance support: jose.kingsley@lgfl.net

Technical support, set up and guidance: https://support.lgfl.org.uk